jueves, 4 de junio de 2009
Street Markets Power Point
London has four monuments declared World Heritage sites: the Palace of Westminster, the Tower of London, the complex and park in Greenwich National Maritime Museum and Royal Botanic Gardens Kew.
London has 238 attractions free entry include exhibitions hosted by the British Museum and the sites at Kenwood House or the works of artists such as Rembrandt, Reynolds and Turner, or Hackney City Farm for children.
They include the British Museum, the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Natural History Museum or the Museum of Science, in addition to the permanent exhibitions of London best known show, the vanguardism. The 'interaction' is "the most", bringing together history and culture with real life.
The most typical sites of the capital are the London Eye, the tallest panoramic Ferris wheel in the world, or the Madame Tussauds wax museum, but there are also lesser-known alternative and equally interesting, as Kensington Palace, Dali Universe, a permanent exhibition plasma surrealism of the most unknown great artist, or the photo gallery Photographers' Gallery.
Some of the best museums in London, the Tate Modern, the Saatchi Gallery, Royal Academy of Arts and National Portrait Gallery opening hours are offered on Friday and Saturday night. Sites such as the cinema hall BFI London IMAX Cinema, the Dali Universe and the Geffrye Museum give special concern for people with special needs.
30% of London is covered with greenery. London has 143 registered parks and gardens such as Hampstead Heath and Mile End Park.
The principal attractions of London are: the Tower of London, the Houses of the Parliament with his. Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, Abbey Road, the Abbey of Westminster, Parliament Square, Tower Bridge, Hyde Park, Regent's Park, The Mall, Buckingham's Palace, the Cathedral of San Paul, Piccadilly Circus, or Windsor's Castle.
In London there are a lot of good things but the worst is the food. For this reason you have to search the best place and the cheapest. The first piece of advice is “ Ethnic food”. In London there is international food because this city is a mixture of cultures and this food is cheaper than the other types. It is cheaper and typical “takeaway” food; it’s food that you order and you can eat it where you want. If you want to eat well, you have to avoid chains like McDonald. We can find a lot of places for eat.
There are a lot of Chinese, Italian, Indian, Japanese, Pakistani, Spanish, Turkish and fast food restaurants.
•Fast food Restaurants. Like McDonald, KFC, Burger king, Pizza Hut, Subway… Approximately £5 but this food has a los of fat! You can take a sandwich too in “subway” and eat it where you like and is cheaper (£3.29)
•Turkish food or kebabs. With Chinese food are the more popular foods in London. Wen can order a kebab and take away. Approximately a soft drink and a kebab cost £3.50 (depending the zone )
•Chinese food. It is so popular. This food is delicious, cheap and exotic. You can find these types of restaurants in Chinatown and in Candem town.
•Pakistani Restaurants Similar to Chinese food (but only with Pakistani’s especialities)
• Japanese Restaurants. There are no many Japanese restaurants in London. The prices are a little bit more expensive. We can find one Japanese restaurant called “Me, sushi!”
•Italian Restaurants They are the best in London! The prices depend on the fact of choosing one dish or another. High quality and an excellent flavor! There are a lot of these restaurants in London.
•Spanish Restaurants. They are a little bit expensive. They modify the recipes for British people ( and the dishes are worse ) You never have to go to a “tapas” bar, because each “tapa” costs £3.
• VitaOrganic Restaurants. There is a restaurant in London which serves you only ecologic food. You pay for each spoon of food. You can drink some juices. It is on 74, Wardour Street, W1F0TE
Tate Modern!
arrival →llegada
double room→habitación doble
elevator (US) →ascensor
front office→recepción
front-office clerk→recepcionista
ground floor→planta baja
hall porter→conserje
housekeeper→ama de llaves
housekeeping staff→personal de habitaciones
ice-dispenser→surtidor de cubos de hielo
key card→llave magnética
key clerk→encargado de llaves
lift (GB) →ascensor
mail clerk→encargado del correo
registration card→tarjeta de registración
room service→servicio a la habitación
single room→habitación simple
safe→caja de seguridad
twin beds→dos camas simples
vacancy→disponibilidad de habitaciones
wake-up call→despertador telefónico
to book→reservar
to check in→registrarse
to check out→registrar la salida
to deposit→depositar
to disturb→molestar
to do a room→hacer una habitación
to stay→permanecer
bed and breakfast, B&B→cama y desayuno
guesthouse→casa de huéspedes, pensión
half board (GB) →media pensión
room and board, R&B (GB) →pensión completa
Tengo una habitación reservada en este hotel -I have a reservation in this hotel (Ai hab a reserveishon in dis hotel)
¿Tienen habitaciones libres? Do you have any spare rooms? (Du yu hab eni esper rums)
¿Cuál es la dirección y teléfono del hotel por si me piedo? What´s the hotel´s address and telephone number in case I get lost? (Guats de hotels adres and telefoun namber in quies ai guet lost)
¿Hasta qué hora se sirve el desayuno? Until what hour is breakfast served? (Antil güat auer is brecfest servd)
¿Me pueden traer toallas nuevas? ¿Me pueden traer unas sábanas? Could you please bring me new towells? (Cud yu plis bring mi niu tauels)
Could you bring me some sheets? (Cud yu bring mi som shits)
¿Me pueden subir las maletas? ¿Me pueden guardar las maletas? Could you take my suitcases to my room? (Cud yu teic mai sutqueises tu mai rum)
Could you store my suitcases? (Cud yu estor mai sutqueises)
¿Cuándo tengo que dejar la habiación? When do I have to leave the room? (Güen du ai hab tu liv de rum)
¿Me puedo apuntar a alguna excursión? Can I sign up on any field trip? (Can ai sain ap on eni fil trip)
¿Hay Internet en la habitación? ¿Dónde puedo conectarme a Internet? ¿Tienen sala de ordenadores? Is there Internet access in my room? (Is der Internet acses in mai rum)
Where can I access the Internet? (Güer can ai acses de Internet) Is there a computer room? (Is der acompiuter rum)
¿Me pueden despertar mañana por la mañana?Can you wake me up tomorrow morning at…? (Can yu ueic mi ap..
¿Tiene habitaciones disponibles?Do you have any rooms available? (Du yu hav ani rums aveilebol?)
¿Cuánto cuesta una habitación para una persona?How much is a single room? (Jau moch is a rum for uan person?)
¿Cuánto cuesta una habitación para dos personas?How much is a doble room? (Jau moch is a rum for tu people?)
¿El cuarto cuenta con...Does the room come with... (Dos de rum com güit...)
...sábanas?...bedsheets? (bedshits?)
...baño?...a bathroom? (a badrum?)
...teléfono? ...a phone? (a foun?)
...televisión?...a TV? (a Ti Vi?)
¿Me permite ver la habitación primero?May I see the room first? (Mei ai si de rum ferst?)
¿Tiene alguna habitación más tranquila?Do you have anything quieter? (Du yu hav enithing cuaieter?)
...más grande?...bigger? (biguer?)
...más limpia?...cleaner? (cliner?)
...más barata?...cheaper? (cheaper?)
Bien, me quedo OK, I will take it (Okey, ai güil teik it)
Me quedaré por ______ noche(s)I will stay for ______ night(s) (Ai güil estay for ______ naijt(s)
¿Me puede sugerir otro hotel?Can you suggest another hotel? (Ken yu suyest anoder hotel?)
¿Tiene caja fuerte?Do you have a safe? (Du yu hav a seif?)
¿Está incluido el desayuno?Is the breakfast included? (Is de breikfast included?)
¿A qué hora es el desayuno?What time is breakfast served? (Juat taim is breikfast serv'd?)
Por favor limpie mi habitación. Please clean my room (Plis clin mai rum)
Quiero registrar mi....¿Dónde esta _____?Where is ______? (Juer is?)
...la estación de trenes?...the train station? (de trein esteishion?)
...la estación de autobuses?...the bus station? (de bos esteishion?)
...el aerpouerto?...the airport? (de eirport?)
...el centro? (de la ciudad)...the downtown? (de dauntaun?)
...los barrios residenciales?...the suburbs? (de soborbs?)
...el hostel?...the youth hostel? (de yaut hostel?) ...el hotel _____?...the ______ hotel? (de ______ hotel?)
Donde puedo encontrar muchos ______?Where are there a lot of ______? (Juer ar der a lot of ______?) ...hoteles?...hotels?
...lugares de interés?...sites to see? (saits to si?)
¿Me lo puede mostrar en el mapa?Can you show me on the map? (Ken yu shou mi on de map?)
CalleStreet (Estrit)
Vuelta a la izquierdaTurn left (Torn left)
Vuelta a la derechaTurn right (Torn raijt)
IzquierdaLeft (Left)
DerechaRight (Raijt)
Todo derecho Straight ahead (Estreijt ajed)
Hacia el/la _____Towards the _____ (toguards de)
Pasando el/la _____Past the _____ (past de)
Antes de el/la _____Before the _____ (bifor de)
Busque la _____Watch for the _____ (Guatch for de)
IntersecciónIntersection (Intersecshion)
Norte North (Nort)
Sur South (Saut)
Este East (Ist)
Oeste West (Güest)
lunes, 25 de mayo de 2009
Natural History Museum

The exciting experience of this museum begins after entering, on having seen the precious hall presided by the skeleton of an enormous Diplodocus besides a Mastodon found in Tagua Tagua's
It was constructed between 1873 and 1880 to shelter the increasing collection of skeletons, plants and fossils that were constituting a section of the
The classic style of the decoration takes us behind in the time and seems that we are going to cross with English gentlemen with bowler hat.
The museum divides principally in five areas: Botany, zoology, entomology (insects), mineralogy and paleontology. It (he, she) possesses a varied collection with more than 70 million specimens and objects in exhibition.
The most famous zone is the zone of paleontology, a very pleasant tour full of skeletons of dinosaur of the most diverse heights and types. The visit to this part ends in a room in which there is a great articulated tiranosaurio that creates realistic enough effects.
Of the rest of zones stands out the enormous collection of dissected animals that shape the zone of zoology and entomology. Considered one of the major collections of the world of animal specimens, stand out especially those t
hat were donated by
Impressive they are also the rooms dedicated to the minerals, with spectacular collections of precious stones.
General Information:
The entry is free to the general exhibition.
It opens every day of 10.00 - 17.50. The museum is in
The buses that stop nearby are 14, 49, 70, 74, 345, 360, 414 and C1.
Pieces of advice:
- The museum is thought to a great extent for children so families will not have problems to move. There are all kinds of services like restaurants, zones of picnic, and elevators for carts...
- After coming, after going through the con
trols of entry (you will have to show the content of bags that you take) look for a plane of the museum to know where everything is.
- The
- The own building of the museum makes the visit both externally and in the inside worthwhile.
- Harrods is 10 minutes on foot, is not a bad idea to programme one evening combined of purchases and culture visiting the museums and shopping at Knightsbridge.
- The museum shop is very interesting.
The museum is divided in four zones:
- Red zone: the marvels of our planet with the volcanoes, the earthquakes and our giant model of the Earth.
- Green zone: to investigate the ecology of the Earth. Dodo knows one. To explore the magnificent central Hall including Charles Darwin's statue and our new roof tree installation.
- Blue zone: the experience of the age of the dinosaurs. Discover a world of big mammals, the blue whale, and learn on the human body.
National Gallery

It’s the principal art museum of London. The National Gallery has turned in a gallery of art of international name from his foundation into 1824. It was shaped principally by his first directors, included the painter Sir Charles Lock Eastlake, and increased by private donations, which nowadays compose two thirds of his permanent collection. It is more reduced in comparison with the Louvre. There are more than 2300 paintings since 1250. It is only necessary to pay the entry for certain exhibitions. The entry of the museum is free.

It’s considered one of the museum whit the highest variety and quality. Here we can just find paintings. There are a lot of private collections. The most important Italian artist are: Piero della Francesca, Rafael and Tiziano. Spanish paintings number is reduced but there are fundamental pieces.

The National Gallery has been lodged in three different buildings. The current building was begun by William Wilkins. From 2002 until 2006, the director of this institution has been Charles Saumarez Smith. From December, 2007, the direction of the Gallery is at the expense of the prestigious historian of the Art, Nicholas Penny.
In this museum we have:
- Easy access for disabled persons.
- The best collection of art in the world.
- Visits every days.
- Audio guides.
- Restaurants and coffees.
- And other commune installation.
Turkish menu
· Yogourt with garlic and mint……………………… £ 4.00
· Pepper stuffed with rice, pine nuts and raisins.£ 4.00
· lettuce,chicken,orange,tomato and cucumber..£ 5.00
· lettuce,cheese,ham,tomato and cucumber……..£4.50
· Lamb cooked with musherooms and cheese…….£ 10.00
· Lamb with aubergine,onion,tomato,pepper, and cheese……… £10.00
· Baklava ( typical turkish)………………………………£ 3.50
· Helvah ( a dessert from Turkey)………………………£ 3.50
Spanish menu
· chicken croquettes………………………………………£ 3.50
· Spicy peppers stuffed with beef……………………£ 5.00
· Garlic’ soup…………………………………………………£ 4.00
· Onion soup with grated parmesan cheese………£ 7.40
· Mixted salad…………………………………………….£ 5.00
· Salad with bacon and tomatoes…………………£ 5.00
· Entrecot with Roquefor sauce……………………£ 12.50
· Lamb with fruit chutney …………………………£ 12.00
Typical plates
· Spanish potatoes omelette…………………………£ 5.50
· Andalusian Gazpacho………………………………£ 5.00
· Chocolate truffles……………………………………£ 6.30
· Crepe with apple, almonds and honey……….£4.30
*we have waiters who speak three lenguages
*we have children menu
*Before dinner you can swim in our pool
*book a table for 10 people and we will give you a present!
Shopping in London
It is one of the biggest streets in London and the biggest commercial street in the world. It has more than 300 shops and department stores like Debenhams, Selfridges, Marks and Spencer or John Lewis. Some of the shops that we can find they are:

John Lewis
Covent Garden:
A commercial district replete with shops of all kinds and with a central market full of shops of souvenirs. The streets of Covent Garden vibrate of street spectacles and offer to the visitor the unique experience of shopping, restaurants, coffee shops, with speciality in mode and crafts, in the full center of London.
-Underground: Covent Garden

Bond Street:
The zone of the shops of high place standing and the houses of most famous auctions. The lovers of the products Channel, Versace, Alexander McQueen or the jeweler's shop Tiffany's and the fans to buying in Sotheby's or Phillips, will find in this street their paradise.
Its cultural variety attracted to important literary and artistic gatherings and, nowadays, there is no place in London where so different people could meet. If the Soho has a "centre" this street is Old Compton Street, where there are plenty of fashionable cafeterias and boutiques.
It is just in the full heart of the Soho, Chinatown is a neighborhood characterized by its shops, stores, boutiques and Chinese and Asian restaurants.
It is the street of the 60´s fashion and has earned its reputation for the great diversity of shops of vintage that exist from this epoch. Newburgh's street offers the shops of a number of such known designers as Jean Paul Gaultier and Juan Richmond.
Known as the best shop of toys of the world, certainly if you cross its 3 floors you´ll have to affirm that. A very nice personnel and more than 40.000 games and toys for all the ages.
It is one of the biggest shops of toys in London and one of the biggest of the world.
It is an enormous mall and of leisure in the surrounding areas of the metropolitan area of London, called "Greater London". It is one of the biggest malls of the whole Europe, with more than 330 shops and a whole of 40 cafeterias, bars and restaurants, besides a cinema with 13 rooms. It is a paradise for the addicts to shopping.
Pakistani menu
· Salad with prawns……………………………………£ 10.00
· Fried onions rings……………………………………£ 4.50
· Chicken with yogourt………………………………£10.00
· Lamb with lemon and almonds sauce………£ 10.00
· Salmon with vinaigrette sauce…………………£ 10.00
· Sole with special sauce……………………………£9.30
· Sheep’s cheese with tomatoes……………………£ 5.00
· Pudding with chocolate……………………………£ 5.00
*we have more especialities in the menu.
*you can celebrate here your wedding!
*we have bottles of the house wine
Japanese menu
· Vegetal salad with seaweeds……………………£ 5.00
· Salad with raw fish…………………………………£ 5.00
· Soy nuts’ soup…………………………………………£ 4.00
· Soup with seaweeds…………………………………£4.00
· Vegetables pasty………………………………………£ 3.50
· Fried soy’s curd…………………………………………£ 3.00
Rice and pasta
· Fried rice with seafood and vegetables…………£ 5.00
· Noodles with prawns……………………………………£ 5.50
· Tuna sushi…………………………………………………£ 6.00
· Salmon sushi…………………………………………… £ 6.00
*if you have dinner in the restaurant, we will give you a bottle of “saque”

The mall Harrods is a great store that is placed in Brompton Road, a street of Knightsbridge's neighborhood, in full center of the city of London. Besides the stores, the group Harrods possesses the Bank Harrods, the real estate agency Harrods and the air line Harrods.
Harrods London has a surface of about 20.000 square metres distributed into five floors. The closest underground is Knightsbridge.
The current owner of the store of London is the Egyptian magnate Mohamed Al. Recently, these stores have been rewarded with Imperial Mark - a former royal certificate with more than three hundred years of antiquity, after being taken off of the royal certificate of the duke of Edinburgh.
Harrods is in 87-135 of Brompton Road, its schedules are from Monday until Saturday of 10:00 to 20:00 and on Sundays of 12:00 to 18:00.
Harrods had origins in the East End of London at the beginning of the reign of queen Victoria. In 1835, Charles Henry Harrod established the shop in the sidewalk of opposite his house, in Stepney. Harrods, worried by the epidemic of cholera that was flogging London, knew a merchant who wanted to get away from the rent of a store of ultramarine in Knightsbridge, that´s why the shop was moved in 1849 to what at the time was the semi-rural Brompton Road.
Harrods grew and the shop acquired several contiguous buildings. It had a great transformation in 1861 when Harrod's son, Charles Digby Harrod, took charge of the business. On December 6, 1883, a fire destroyed the buildings of the stores, giving to the family the occasion to reconstruct them to a bigger scale.
In 1959 the House Fraser bought the stores. Harrods has been attacked by IRA in three occasions. It suffered many hurts but in spite of it re –opened before three days . Harrods was bought by the brothers Al in 1985 by 615 million pounds, since then the space of sales has been extended to include those who before were zones for the personnel and the storage, on the top basement and the floors.
Certainly, why not ... in Harrods it is also possible to eat, and they are multitude of restaurants of Different types :
- American type, years 70
- Self-service, to eat rapidly,
- Japanese
- The luxurious Georgian, with a pianist chhering the food.
– A Spanish restaurant of snacks (tapas-bar).
As a curiosity we have to say that in Harrods's restaurants we will be able to taste Harrods beer, exquisite but expensive, a very typical exquisiteness of London.
Buy in Harrods
These most famous big stores are in Knghtsbridge's zone, closely together of Hyde park or Buckingham's palace, for saying some references known. They raise in a majestic and unmistakable building in the most animated commercial street. Harrods is one more point of any tourist visit to London and it is obvious on having entered that one sees many people walking and being photographed but a few buying. And it is that Harrods has reputation of being expensive, a bit in the general line of London, though since in everything there are products to better prices and everything depends on the pocket of the visitor.
Harrods has 7 floors.
The lower ground :

The Ground floor :

First floor:

Second floor:

Fourth floor:

Fifth floor:


¿En qué planta se encuentra la ropa de. . .?
- What floor does one find women's clothes?
- What floor does one find men’s clothes?
- What floor does one find children's clothes?
¿ Cuánto cuesta esto?
How much does this cost?
¿ Se puede pagar … ?
-Can I pay with credit card / con tarjeta de crédito
-Can I pay in cash? / en efectivo
¿Dónde está el punto de Información?
-Where is the Information point ?
¿Tienes de esta prenda una talla . . .?
-Have you a bigger size of this . . . ? /Más grande
-Have you a smaller size of this . . .?/Más pequeña
¿Cuál es el restaurante . .?
-Which is the cheapest restaurant? / Más barato
-Which is the most expensive restaurant? / Más caro
-Which is the restaurant with best food? / Con mejor comida
¿Dónde estan los baños?
-Where are the toilettes?
¿Me puede indicar por donde salir?
-Can you indicate me the exit?
¿Cuánto cuesta el parking?
-How much does the parking cost?
-What is the best offer to go London? - ¿Cuál es la mejor oferta para ir a Londres?
-What’s the price? - ¿Cuál es el precio?
-Is the hotel well located? - ¿Está el hotel bien situado?
-Is the hotel in the centre of the city? - ¿Está el hotel en el centro de la ciudad?
-What time does the flight go to London? - ¿A qué hora sale el vuelo?
-What is the regime of accommodation of the hotel? - ¿Cuál es el régimen de alojamiento del hotel?
-Where is the hotel? - ¿Dónde está el hotel?
-Is the hotel near the airport? - ¿Está el hotel cerca del aeropuerto?
It’s situated at 24 km in the west of London and is one of the biggest commercials airports of the world. It has four terminals and it’s connected with the underground line of Piccadilly. Moreover, if we arrive at an inconvenient hour, we can stay in some of the many hotels near the airport.
Getting there:
Heathrow Express (Train)
Route: Heathrow Central Station - Paddington Station (15 min.) Timetable: Between 5.12/5.08am y 11.32/11.37pm Mon-Sat/Sun, come out every 15min. Price: single/return ticket £16, 50/£32, 00. Children (5-15 years) single/return ticket, £8, 20/£16, 00.
Route: Heathrow Central Station – London’s Centre (1 hour)Timetable: Between 5.30am y 11.45pm, Come out every 2-8 min. Price: One journey £4,00.
Airbus A2
Route: Heathrow Central Station - King's Cross Station (1hour 15 min.) Timetable: Each 30 min. until 1pm, so every 60 minPrice: single/return ticket: £6/£10.
The price to London’s centre is between £40 and £70. The route lasts an hour approximately.
Gatwick is situated 48 km at the south of London, and although it is smaller than Heathrow, is very well organized and it offers facilities like the possibility to keep your suitcase for £3.50 / 6 hours.
Getting there:
Gatwick Express (Train)
Route: Gatwick - Victoria Station (30 min) Timetable: 5are - moonlight, Come out every 15 min. Each 35 min on Sundays. Price: single/return £16, 90/£28, 80.
Connex South Central train service
Route: Gatwick - Victoria Station (35 min) Timetable: 24 hours, Come out every 15/30 min, of 1am at 4 am each 60 minPrice: single ticket £10, 90.
Airbus No.5
Route: Gatwick - Victoria Station (90 min) Timetable: Gatwick 4.15am - 9.15pm each 60 min, from Victoria Station 6am - 11pm Price: single/return £ 8.50/£10.
Price: between £70 and £80
It’s situated 56 km at the northeast of London and is considered the third airport in volume of passengers of the city.
Getting there:
Stansted Express (Train)
Route: Stansted - Liverpool Street Station (45 min) Timetable: Each 15 - 30 minutes. From Stansted 6am - 23:59pm, Liverpool Street 5am - 11pm. Price: single/return ticket £18, 00/ £26, 80. Children, single/return ticket, £9, 00/ £13, 40.
Airbus A6
Route: Stansted - Victoria Station (90 min) Timetable: Each 30 minutes. From Stansted 3.30am - 11.30pm, to Victoria Station 4.00am - 11.30pm, after each hour.Price: single/return ticket: £7/£10.
Bus Terravision
- Route: Stansted to Victoria Station: 75 min.
- Route: Stansted to Liverpool Street: 55 min.
Adults single/return ticket £9/£13. Children single/return ticket £4/£7.
Price: £100 to London’s centre.
It’s situated 10 km at the East of London. It has regular flights to more than 20 European cities and it links with the more important cities of the British Isles (Aberdeen, Belfast, Dublin, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Isla de Man y Jersey)
Getting there:
Blue airport Shuttlebus
Route: London City - Liverpool Street (25 min)Timetable: Each 10/15 min. From the airport 6.50am (11am Dom.)-10pm(1.15pm Sat), from Liverpool Street 6.15am (10.30 Dom)-9pm(112.45 Sat)Price: single/return ticket £6/£12.
Green Airport Shuttlebus
Route: London City - Canning Town Station (5 min)Timetable: Each 10 min. from 6am(10.00 Dom) - 10.20pm(1.15 Sat)Price: Adult/Child £2/£1 route.
The price to the centre of London is £100
It’s the smallest airport of London and is situated 56 km of London.
Getting there:
Green Line bus No 757
Route: Luton - Buckingham Palace road (60 min).Timetable: From Buckingham Palace each 30 min. of 7.00am(7.35 Sat y Sun)-10pm, after each 60min. until 6.30am, from Luton each 30min. from 8am - 8pm, after each 60min. until 7.30am.Price: single/return ticket £12/£13, 50.
Bus Terravision
Route of Luton to Victoria Station: 65 min. Adults single/return ticket £13/£16. Children single/return ticket £8/£11, 50.Exit from London: - Stop nº 2 of the bus station of Green Line, in Builled Way, situated near Buckingham Palace, behind Victoria Station.- stop nº 9 of Buckingham Palace Road.
jueves, 21 de mayo de 2009
Types of food in london

It was first marketed as a food dish in “take away”. It has become the most popular English dish. This dish is composed by muffled and fried hake.
Roast Beef

Another famous dish is “roast beef”.
If you are going to ask for it in a restaurant the question that the waiter will make will be: “do you want it rare, medium or well done?"
They are talking about the point of boiling of the meat. Rare is almost crude, medium with some blood and well done completely cooked.
It can be accompanied by delicious English mustard and steamed vegetables as siders.

Pastry of meat
There are also very popular "pies", which are pastry filed with meat. You can choose: Shepherds Pie, Chicken and mushroom pie or Steak and kidney pie.
English sausages

English people have a great variety of types of sausages.
This plate consists of a variety of sausages cooked in sauce and accompanied by mash of potatoes.

To end, ask for “Apple” or any type of “crumble”, for example of cranberry. It is a delicious pastry of fruits covered with creaking crumbs.
… Are you looking for a cheap food, but you do not want to lose the quality ?
I recommend you…
- Wagamama.: there you will be able to enjoy a healthy variety of plates of noodles, soups and show restraint from rice to a good price.
-Ping Pong: it is a restaurant of " dim sum " very economical, but with class. The place is modern and with style, serves a classic " dim sum" menu, coctails of intense flavor and a selection of Chinese tea of flowers.
-The pizzeria The Porchetta serves enormous and delicious pizzas at prices so low that you will find it hard to believe. This makes this restaurant the perfect place to celebrate a great holiday.
High Tea is often a misnomer. Most people refer to afternoon tea as high tea because they think it sounds royal and lofty, when nowadays high tea, or "meat tea" is dinner. High tea, in Britain, at any rate, tends to be on the heavier side. American hotels and tea rooms, on the other hand, continue to misunderstand the term and offer tidbits of fancy pastries and cakes on delicate china when they offer a "high tea."
Afternoon tea (because it was usually taken in the late afternoon) is also called "low tea" because it was usually taken in a sitting room or withdrawing room where low tables (like a coffee table) were placed near sofas or chairs generally in a large withdrawing room. There are three basic types of Afternoon, or Low Tea:
In England, the traditional time for tea was four or five o'clock and no one stayed after seven o'clock. Most tea rooms today serve tea from three to five o'clock. The menu has also changed from tea, bread, butter and cakes, to include three particular courses served specifically in this order:
Scones :Served with jam and Devonshire or clotted cream
Pastries : Cakes, cookies, shortbread and sweets.
lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009
Italian menu
· Fried Onion Rings………………………………………£ 2.50
· Fried Chicken’s wings…………………………………£ 2.50
· Cesar Salad…………………………………………………£ 4.50
· Pasta salad……..…………………………………………£ 4.00
· Escalope with Parmesan cheese………………..….£ 5.50
· Brochette with different meats and tomatoes.£1.50
Hamburgers & sandwich
· Vegetal sandwich…………………………………………£ 3.00
· Double hamburger with chips………………………£ 3.00
· Four cheeses pizza………………………………………£ 4.50
· Pizza with pineapple and ham………………………£ 5.00
· Meat Lasagna………………………………………………£ 4.25
· Spinach’s Raviolli……………………………………….£ 4.00
· Chocolate mousse…………………………………………£ 3.50
· Custard………………………………………………………£ 2.50
*VAT is included
* There is a set menu (only Mondays to Fridays)
We hope to see you soon!
Vocabulary for hotel
· Where is the hotel…? --> ¿Dónde está el hotel…?
· Do you have any room available? --> ¿Tiene alguna habitación disponible?
· Where/which is my room? --> ¿Dónde o cúal es mi habitación?
· Can you give me the key of the bedroom (nº)? --> ¿Puede darme la llave de la habitación nº...?
· What can I do with my suitcase? --> ¿Qué puedo hacer con mi maleta?
· Where is the dining room? --> ¿Dónde está el comedor?
· What time is breakfast served? --> ¿A qué hora se sirve el desayuno?
· How much is it? / How much does it cost? --> ¿Cúanto cuesta?
· Where is the toilet? --> ¿Dónde hay un baño?
· How can I come to ...... street…? --> ¿Cómo puedo llegar a la calle…?
· Where is the underground? --> ¿Dónde esta el metro?
· Can you show me on the map...? -->¿Puede señalarme en el mapa...?
· Can you tell me where the ... is? --> ¿Puede decirme dónde está…?
· A table for two people, please. --> Una mesa para dos persona, por favor.
· The bill, please. --> La cuenta, por favor.
· I'm vegetarian. --> Soy vegetariana/o.
· I'm finished. --> Ya he acabado.
· I don't understand. --> No le entiendo.
· Excuse me. --> Perdone.
· It is very expensive. --> Es muy caro.
· Napkin --> Servilleta.
· Cutlery --> Cubiertos.
· Blanket --> Manta.
· Suitcase --> Maleta.
· Pillows --> Almohadas.
· Arrival --> Llegada
· Bellboy --> Botones
· Booking --> Reserva
· Cancellation --> Cancelación
· Departure --> Salida
· Double Room --> Habitación Doble
· Plant --> Piso, planta
· Front office --> Recepción
· Front-office clerk --> Recepcionista
· Ground floor --> Planta baja
· Hall porter --> Conserje
· Housekeeping staff --> Personal de habitaciones

· Key --> Llave
· Key card --> Llave magnética
· Key clerk --> Encargado de llaves
· Laundry --> Lavanderia
· Lift --> Ascensor
· Lobby -- Vestíbulo
· Luggage --> Equipaje
· Porter --> Portero
· Registration card --> Tarjeta de registración
· Room service --> Servicio de habitación
· Single room --> Habitación simple
· Shower --> Ducha
· Staff --> Personal
· Towel -->Toalla
· Vacancy --> Disponibilidad de habitaciones
· Voucher --> Cupón
· Wake-up call --> Despertador telefónico
· To book --> Reservar
· To check in --> Registrarse
· To deposit --> Depositar
· To disturb --> Molestar
· To do a room --> Hacer una habitación
· To stay --> Quedarse
Indian menu
· Crunchies pasties with potatoes………………£3.00
· Spinachs’s croquettes…………………………… £ 3.00
· Chicken with curry sauce…………………………£ 4.00
· Grilled meats…………………………………….……£ 6.00
· Basmati rice with some sauces……………………£ 5.00
· Basmati rice with vegetables………………………£ 5.00
· Malpoa (crepes) with white chocolate…………£3.00
· Typical indian cookies………………………………£2.00
*You can book a table by telephone
* The restaurant has a non-smoking area
Thank you for your visit!
Fast food menu
· Cesar salad……………………………………………… £3.40
· Salad with apple and tomato……………………… £ 3.00
· Chicken hamburger with mayonnaise………… £4.00
· Beef hamburger with lettuce……………………… £ 4.00
· Mixt sandwich………………………………………… £ 3.00
· Special sandwich……………………………………… £ 3.00
· Fried chicken nuggets……………………………… £2.50
· Chips with sauces………………………………………£ 1.00
· Soft drink…………………………………………………£ 2.00
· A bottle of water……………………………………… £ 1.00
Chinese menu
· Chinese Salad……………………………………………… £ 3.65
· Salad with Soy ……………………………………………. £ 4.30
· Seafood Soup……………………………………………… £ 3.70
· Shark’s fin Soup…………………………………………… £ 3.00
· Spring roll…………………………………………………… £ 1.55
· Fried Wan Tu……………………………………………… £ 3.50
Rice and Noodles
· Fried three delicious rice……………………………… £ 3.60
· Fried noodles with beef………………………………... £ 4.30
· Chinese mushrooms with fried bambu…………… £ 4.80
· Fried Chinese Vegetables……………………………… £ 4.75
· Fried Chicken with lemon……………………………… £ 4.70
· Fried Chicken with almonds………………………….. £ 4.70
· Beef with green peppers………………………………… £ 5.00
· Beef with bambu and Chinese mushrooms……. £ 6.00
· Pork with sour sauce…………………………………… £ 4.70
· Pork with bambu and Chinese mushrooms……… £ 6.00
· Duck with pineapple………………………………… £ 6.50
· Duck with lemon………………………………………… £ 5.00
*we have children menu too
*you can pay by card
*ask for our waiters about our desserts!